Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Foundation One: Honouring Parents.

For all who wants to live long on Earth and enjoy a good life must build on this foundation. There is no shortcut to living a full and fulfilling live without honouring parents as a principle, Exo 20:12, Eph 6:1-3. The Greek word for honour means "to revere, prize and value". Honour is giving respect not only for merit but also for rank. Children of all ages should honour their parents, regardless of whether or not they deserve the honour.
You should seek to honour your parents in much the same way that you strive to bring glory to God in your thought, words, and action. For a young child, obeying parent goes hand in hand with honouring them. That include listening, heeding, and submitting to their authority.
 If you refuse to honour your parent, you give free invitation to the devil to operate in your life. Obscure darkness is the portion of those who curse their parents, Prov 20:20. You do not have to do spiritual warfare to stay alive. Just honour your father and mother and darkness will not be found in your life. The secret of long life and success is keeping this foundations.
Honour on the order hand beget honour. God will not honour you, if you do not keep His commandment to honour your parents. If you desire to please God and be blessed, you should honour your parents. Honouring is not easy, is not always fun and certainly is not possible in your own strength. But honour is a certain path to your purpose in life glorifying God, Col 3:20.
 The major reason behind why you should respect them comes from the point that first they took you to this world, toiled for your living and comfort. No relationship could be so pious and loving than that of parent and child. When you honour them, they feel special and rewarded for all the good deeds they did towards your nourishment and care.
We are obviously commanded to honour our parent but how? Honour them with both actions and attitudes. Honour their unspoken as well as spoken wishes. Even Jesus, God's son, submitted Himself to both his earthly parents, Luke 2:51. However there is a difference between obeying and honouring. You can disobey honourably. You can say no with respect when the situation calls for it, especially when the instruction goes against God's expectation of you.
While you are required to honour parents, that does not include imitating ungodly ones, Ezekiel 20:18-19. In contradicting events you must obey God rather than man.

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